SCV Farms

SCV's farms allow users to stake single SCV tokens or deposit LP tokens, and earn more of what you deposited. platform profit is distributed to SCV Staking farm in the form of both BNB and SCV Reward. Platform profit includes the service fee of farm, NFT sell profit, marketplace fee and Gatcha profit.

SCV's farms also distributed SCV rewards to all SCV farm users, based on the level of NFTs users deposited into the farm. The higher the level is, the more SCV Reward you can claim from $SCV Farms, which is up to 10x more than the basic APY. Farms

Distribution Update #2

Accordin to the rule of reward distribution, the distribution for all farms is expected to last for total 195 days (3,370,000,000 SCV mining reward / 17,280,000 SCV per day) before depletion, which would be around Dec 16th, 2021. After that, all mining farms will no longer receive new distribution.

Learn more about SCV reward distribution in Tokenomics.

Distribution Update

An update of the SCV token distribution rule is scheduled at 02:00 UTC June 23rd, 2021, that shifts the main reward of SCV to SCV-WBNB LP stakers to encourage more contribution to the liquidity pool of SCV.

After the update, it is expected to provide a 1.9%/day reward and over 700% APR on SCV-WBNB LP Staking Farm.

Details are below.

Before Update 100% of SCV emission distributed to SCV Staking Farm.

After Update 20% of SCV emission distributed to SCV Staking Farm. 80% of SCV emission distributed to SCV-WBNB LP Staking Farm.

Release Time 02:00 UTC June 23rd, 2021

SCV Staking Farm

SCV Staking farm is the first farm available at launch.

You can earn yield on your SCV by staking it. SCV stakers receive 100%(reduce to 20% since June 23rd, 2021) of all SCV token emissions and 100% of the platform profit as BNB. You can unstake and withdraw at any time - there is no lock-up period.

Standard deposit from farm fees are set at 0.1%. This is to prevent bad actors from going in and out of the farm quickly to reap the harvest and then leaving.

SCV-WBNB LP Staking Farm

80% of SCV token emission is distributed to SCV-WBNB LP stakers since June 23rd, 2021.You can unstake and withdraw at any time - there is no lock-up period.

Standard deposit from farm fees are set at 0.1%. This is to prevent bad actors from going in and out of the farm quickly to reap the harvest and then leaving.

Last updated